Can Wearing Headphones for Long Periods Cause Hearing Loss?

Can Wearing Headphones for Long Periods Cause Hearing Loss?

2022-12-12 11:24:32

Many people wear headphones in offices, subways, buses and other places where it is more convenient and less intrusive. Wearing earphones has become commonplace. But does it have an effect on hearing?


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Can wearing headphones for long periods of time cause hearing loss?


Wearing earphones for longer periods of time and with too much sound can affect your hearing


As follows: Chinese scientists have studied the significant hearing threshold differences between subjects with an average age of around twenty-three years old who used in-ear headphones for 1 hour and 1-2.5 hours per day compared to the control group.


He suggests that the use of in-ear earphones can lead to noise-induced hearing loss, especially in the high frequency region above 4000 Hz significantly greater than in the low frequency region. And the longer the use of earbud-type headphones, the more severe the hearing impairment.


It has also been reported that being in a noisy environment can cause hearing loss at 4000 Hz in the first place. There is a cochlear organ in people's inner ear. And scholars believe that due to chronic over-stimulation, cellular tissue metabolism is disturbed and blood and oxygen supply is inadequate. This causes damage to the peripheral receptors and leads to noise-induced hearing loss.


As a reminder, if you experience high pitched tinnitus (e.g. cicadas, sirens, metal sounds, etc.), it is important to go to a hospital ENT department for examination and treatment to prevent deafness.


It is advisable not to use in-ear headphones for long periods of time. And at high volumes to prevent noise-induced hearing loss from occurring. In recent years, hearing loss has become more common among some young people who wear headphones to listen to music. This is because when a person wears headphones, the outer ear canal is tightly blocked by the headphones.


The high volume of audio pressure can enter the ear directly and damage the hearing, causing irreversible hearing damage. When listening to music with earphones for a long time, hearing fatigue and damage will occur, causing hearing loss. The body will then become irritable, dizzy, insomnia, memory loss and slow thinking. This is very harmful to health.

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